Главная История Структура Разработки Лаборатории Контакты
The Natural Sciences Institute was founded in 1921 to carry out scientific investigations at Perm University. Now the Institute plays the leading role in the whole research work of the University.

Director of the institute
Elena Khairulina

Deputy Director for Science
Nikolai Maksimovich

Deputy Director for Innovation
Pavel Belkin

Administrative department
Administrative division
Human Resources Department
Scientific Secretary
Business unit
Financial and Economic Department
Chief Accountant

Laboratory of technogenic landscape biogeochemistry
Laboratory of geology of technogenic processes
Laboratory of chemical technologies
Laboratory of ecological geology
Laboratory of sustainable forest management
Laboratory of molecular biology and genetics
Laboratory of geology of sedimentary and technogenic deposits
Laboratory of geological modeling and forecasting
Laboratory of mineralogical and petrographic research

Institute of Natural Science
of Perm State National Research University
614990, Perm, Genkel st. 4,
Tel: +7 (342) 237-14-80, 239-64-08,
Tel/fax: +7 (342) 237-14-80
«Perm State University»