Главная История Структура Разработки Лаборатории Контакты

Лаборатория геологии техногенных процессов
Cотрудники Список публикаций Места работ
Pecherkin I.A., Maximovich N.G., Zakoptelov V.E. Types of cave on Kama reservoir scores // Europ. regional conf. of speleology.- Sofia, 1980. -P.34 /0,05/

Types of caves on Kama reservoir shores

I. A. Pechorkin, N. G. Maximovich, V. E. Zakoptelov

Karsted shores formed by gypsum and anhydrite rocks occupy 8,31% of the lenght of Kama reservoir shoreline. Karst water hydro-dynamical zonality change caused by the reservoir creation results in increase of horizontal circulation zone thickness with which the greater part of caves and cavities are associated. Abrasion and suf-fosion processes activization leads to new cavities formation and-failure of the old ones. The authors pick out several types of caves.
I. Caves in zones of aeration. Caves formed at the contact with unkarstic rocks: a/ unsoluble rocks form the upper part of the massif /cave is below the contact/; b/unsoluble rocks are in the middle part of the massif /cave is below the contact/. 2. Caves formed along the cravasse parallel to slope inclination.
II. Caves in horizontal circulation zone. 3. Sea caves formed by leaching. 4. Cave formed at the intersection of the cravasses parallel to slope inclination and horizontal circulation zone. 5. Caves formed in the result of suffosional removal of filling material from the cavities of ancien karst.
Investigation of caves on the reservoir shores under condition of shoreline retreat helps one to conceive the internal structure of the karsted massif.

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