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Лаборатория геологии техногенных процессов
Cотрудники Список публикаций Места работ
Maximovich N.G., Gorbunova K.A. Man-made deposits of coal fields. Abstracts Int. union for Quaternary research XIII Int. congress, Beijing, China, 1991.-P.235. /0,05/


N. G. Maximovich, K. A. Gorbunova

With each thousand tons of mine extracted coal there are brought out onto the surface about 100 cubic meters of waste rock (Tytynova, 1987). They occupy considerable areas in Kizel Coal Basin. The Kizel coal is highly sul phuric. The spoil heaps consist of argillite, sandstone and limestone tragments with coal inclusions.
Weathering, roasting and remelting, pneumatolytic and fumarole phenomena form in spoil heaps a complex of natural - technogenic minerals. In the mine spoil heaps of Kizel Coal Basin there have been determined the follow ing minerals: sulfur, moissanite, pyrite, marcasite, quartz, corundum, hematite, magnetite, limonite, calcite, aragonite, siderite, jarosite, alunite, gypsum, barite, melanterite, caoline, mullite, sericite, illite, chlorite, feldspar and others. The sulfur sulphides content in dif ferent aged spoil heaps ranges from 3 to 8%. The deposit reaction is strongly acidic at aqueous suspension pH 1.9-3.2. In the waters filtrated through the spoil heaps and fI owing down their surface the sulphate ion content comes up to 50 g/l, pH to 3 and mineralization of up to 70 g/l. The geochemical processes in the spoil heaps are accom panied by pollution of the atmosphere, surface and under ground waters.

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